Isis101's Journal

Isis101's Journal


Honor: 0    [ Give / Take ]


16 entries this month

20:23 Mar 28 2013
Times Read: 758

Depressed. My procedure went along fine on Monday, but I am as sore as hell...the Vicodin is not working.

What's worse is that my beautiful sweet Whiskers died on Tuesday. He took a sudden turn for the worse in a matter of hours. I'm still crying off and on, even though I don't want to stress out or scare my other cats.

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Whiskers - one of his last pics, taken in mid-February 2013.


August ?, 2001 - March 26, 2013



20:57 Mar 28 2013

I'm so sorry Isis.

21:21 Mar 28 2013

*hugs* I am sorry about your cat Whiskers. Am glad to know that Monday went well. Take care and crying is healing. Sure the other cats miss him too.

21:33 Mar 28 2013

Aaawww darling... Emmy hugs you tight, and gives you a whole load of loving. Always here for you xxx

21:37 Mar 28 2013

I'm happy your operation went well Isis. Maybe Whiskers gave you a part of himself to help see you through. There's no better sacrifice for a friend to make.

00:51 Mar 29 2013

So glad your surgery went well. The pain will get better as the days go on. I agree with what Mogy said. RIP Whiskers. So sorry about Whiskers *hugs*

02:20 Mar 29 2013

A few suggestions. Stop taking the vicodin and opt for tylenol or something. Those things made me so depressed I couldn't stop crying. If the pain gets too bad, then fine. But less is more where that shit is concerned.

Cry all you want to. I agree with VW in that crying is healing, and the cats will all understand. When I lost my male, the female and I cried for hours. And I felt so much better afterwards, like we had shared that.

Glad to hear the surgery went well. NO heavy lifting or exercise, sugar. Your body needs to heal, and so do you.

01:29 Apr 10 2013

I am so sorry. I missed all of this. HUGS.



03:42 Mar 25 2013
Times Read: 784



...Oh Lord...I hope not.


Goodnight, all!

And to my friends...I really appreciate the well wishes! You all are right - the surgery should be a piece of cake!

(Maybe I'll have a piece of cake later on too - lol)



09:10 Mar 25 2013

Damn, now I'm whisling Dixie!

Glad surgery went well.

02:17 Mar 29 2013

Hey, now. For those of us who hail from the southern states, let's watch that, shall we? lol

01:10 Apr 05 2013

My roots are southern as well, but when I hear white southerners say that the 'South will rise again', I can't help but think that they mean back to 'the good ol' days' of slavery...


03:04 Mar 25 2013
Times Read: 793

So...approxiamately 24 hours later, I get a call from management. Without swearing, I told the woman how disappointed and disgusted I was with yesterday's fiasco.

And now, I will write an open letter about it, as I may need its documentation in the future.

Good grief.




A bit of laughter in yesterday's chaos...

02:43 Mar 25 2013
Times Read: 796

While waiting for my friends yesterday, I was outside of my apartment powering my cell at an outlet near the stair landing. Assuming that we'd have to break into the basement, I had a hammer and a screwdriver in my hand while leaning back against the wall.

Another tenant comes up the stairs and suddenly stops short of reaching the top of the landing. He gives me a wierd look, then says "Is everything all right?" I reply that I'm waiting for friends to help me get my power back on. He lets out a small sigh of relief and says "Oh - that's cool. A brother can't be too careful when he rolls up on a pissed-off lookin' woman with a hammer in her hand."



18:40 Mar 25 2013


02:17 Mar 29 2013

Amen to THAT...lol

bishes be crazy.


The Man from U.N.C.L.E...I mean, UGGS.

04:45 Mar 24 2013
Times Read: 821

Went to my pre-op appointment this Friday. I'm suppose to be at the hospital at 8 am on Monday morning. I've never has surgery before, so I'm kinda' scared. Nevermind that it is a relatively simple procedure, and that I may be home later the same day...I'm still scared.

With that said, Friday was a good day...I only had one wierdo that day, and it was a homeless-looking patient at the clinic, who kept staring at me, even when I moved to the opposite side of the waiting area. (I had to pee in a cup, and I was waiting for my cup - lol).

I tried not to make eye contact with the guy, but I couldn't help but look at what he was wearing...an oversized jacket, with stained grey pants cut off at the knees, and a dirty pair of knock-off UGGS (Only women wear UGGS, right)?

'UGG Man' finally spoke, displaying more gums than teeth: "You look like my mother." Um...okay. "You look like my mother when she was younger." All I could say was "Oh..."

When he finally left after doing his business, he told me to "Stay out of the sun..."




05:06 Mar 24 2013

You are going to be better than fine! Very easy procedure! You will be a new woman when you are done! I will be sending good vibes your way sis! Loves ya!

16:05 Mar 24 2013

Agreed. Been there, done that, felt so much better after. And it doesn't take that long to get over, either. Did mine laproscopically, 4 bullet hole scars, and no more problems of that type. Be thinking about you Monday.

21:52 Mar 24 2013

I also will be thinking of you Monday. It will be fine, you will be fine. :)

22:32 Mar 24 2013

*hugs you tight* What they said :)



04:26 Mar 24 2013
Times Read: 824

What a fuckin' day...

Around 11:30 this morning, most of my power goes out (The ceiling lights were the only things still working). I figured that it was a local power outtage, so I wait a bit...after 30 minutes, I call PG&E and find out that there is no local outtage - it's only with my apartment. I called the two numbers I have for management/landlord. After 45 minutes or so, I call both numbers again, leaving messages...after 2 hours, I left messages AGAIN, and I'm really getting pissed off by then.

I call PG&E again, to have a tech come out, not knowing if I could get to the box to my apartment. Electricians can't do anything about the situation, as they can't legally break through locked doors to get to the boxes. After I call and leave messages at both numbers for the FOURTH FUCKING TIME, I've had it. The acids in my stomach are about to burst through, and I'm in some serious pain.

I call my friend/boss Joan, and tell her what's going on...plus, I had to give her the time she needed to take me to the hospital this upcoming Monday...anyway, she is pissed. I could hear her husband in the background, saying "Fuck it! We are going over there right now! If we have to break down the goddamn door, so be it!"

In the meantime, I'm still waiting for a PG&E tech, and loitering out in the hallway, to power my cell via an electrical outlet...really? Is this what it comes down to? Me hanging out - in pain, and trying not to cry - while worrying that all of the food I recently bought will have to be thrown away?

Anyway...Joan and her husband arrive shortly, and to our surprise, the door to the basement is not locked...(It would have been nice to know that). We find the boxes, and Joan's husband is messing around with my apartment box, switching it off and on...nothing happens.

In the end, he offers to take my food and keep it in their deep freezer in their garage. I thanked him and told him that I'd wait for the tech's arrival if he coun't fix anything...the tech arrived about 10 minutes after Joan and her husband left (lol). He didn't have any luck with the box either, so we went back to the apartment, to look for the electrical box, as all apartments have them. I know what they look like, and didn't see one when I moved in. Me and the tech go through the closets...nothing. I then ask him if it could be in the kitchen - he said that it could be. Right when he goes into the kitchen he says "I found it!" The 'box' was a small thing about the size of a switchplate, right over the oven...I would have never know what the damn thing was (I'm not a goddamn electrician). The tech pops out a fuse, puts a new one in, and everything is back on...!!!

So far, I don't see any damage to my food in the fridge, considering that there was no power from 11:30 to 6pm.

What really pisses me off is that I NEVER GOT A CALL BACK FROM MANAGEMENT. I have only begun to raise hell. When I calm down and get some sleep, I plan on writing a letter to them about the situation tomorrow morning. And I will make sure that city authorities get it too. Even the PG&E tech mentioned that this apartment building has a history of crappy management.

What a fucked up day...but what great friends I have!




Conspiracy theory?

23:38 Mar 18 2013
Times Read: 845

And speaking of crazy...

This was written on the wall in the women's culinary locker room:

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But, the show must go on...

23:26 Mar 18 2013
Times Read: 851

So, even though I'm home today, I'll make myself go in to work tomorrow. I can't afford to miss days. I bet that with me out today, it was a total zoo too...

Speaking of zoo, there is one student who has got to be the rudest, nastiest person alive. So far, I haven't had the 'pleasure' of waiting on her, but I've heard her mouth enough times. Just last week, she was bitchin' at Mai, and I heard her say 'mutha' fuckin' about something. Mai responded with something like, 'Don't come back if you hate us so much...' Anyway, the word zoo comes to mind for a reason...the girl looks like an ugly-ass baboon. Baboons can be cute in their baboon way, but for a woman to look like one...not so much. I bet that if you pull down that bitch's pants, she'd have a bright red ass too.

I push myself at work, which really doesn't help me health-wise. Boss #1 keeps telling me how great I am...gee, why doesn't he truly show me with another raise? We'll see...

Of course, the crazies are about, along with the rude ones. The best crazy from last week was a guy who came in for coffee, while 'rapping' in a strange Louis Armstrong voice (Hello Dolly my ass). He ended his performance by falling on his knees, howling. He then gets up, comes to MY register (gee, thanks) and acts like nothing wierd happened. While giving him his change, I couldn't hold my tongue...I said "The next time you get coffee dude, just stick with decaf.' The few people around were laughing their asses off. He chuckled, and gave me a dollar tip. I told him that we don't take tips, but he left anyway. I figured that I'd hold on to his dollar, in case he came back with a different personality, demanding it back.



00:30 Mar 19 2013

LMAO! Never a dull moment at work!


Oh, my aching back...and knees...and neck...hips...

23:11 Mar 18 2013
Times Read: 853

So - I'm home today. I just cannot take any more of the pain and weakness. I called Boss #2 last night to let her know that I was in no condition to be running around, on my feet all day. She understood.

It seems that the food I eat does not break down properly and provide me with nutrition...or energy. So, I'm always tired, can't stand for more than 5 minutes before my legs give out; I sometimes get dizzy, and the heartburn I rarely had is now almost constant. I'm out of breath a lot too.

Things I took for granted - like walking up a flight of stairs to my 2nd floor apartment, rolling around on the floor playing with my cats...even getting out of bed - are all major chores now.

And I'm blowing up like a balloon, since the food I eat isn't breaking down and going anywhere...and I don't eat much!

The gall bladder removal can't come soon enough!




Another Honor Milestone.

23:01 Mar 18 2013
Times Read: 855


Honor: 10,016

Thank you, my friends!




The Week In Review.

18:39 Mar 10 2013
Times Read: 896


* That asshole Chef D has stirred up shit again. Another new chef left due to his behavior. That's now two good instructors who've quit. I hope that Chef D gets fired, although that could be scary, as he strikes me as the type who'd go on some type of workplace rampage.

* Big Momma...still slow, still lazy. We had a meeting on Friday, and many concepts we discussed went right over her head...how in the world did this woman get her job? For example, Boss #1 - Stan - explained how breaks should be delayed when there are a ton of customers ordering food, which in turn, create huge lines in a matter of minutes...this was a completely new concept to her dumb ass. Common sense is sometimes absent with this woman, I swear! And her control of the coffee station? A major disaster. She can never complete a task, and it's always messy...like her cashier station. Cleanliness was brought up too, in the meeting, but I doubt that it sunk in her big fat skull. As a result, Big Momma and Mai will have to switch stations for awhile...and Mai is not a happy camper. (Well - at least the work will get done, although it is a pain in the ass task).

* A student came in and asked if he could get a spoon. No big deal to me, as we usually charge a dime for those with outside food. Anyway - before I could respond to the guy, he starts licking the spoon, then says "Can I have a spoon? Or do you want me to put this back?"

He got me. I couldn't stop laughing.

* With sales up, the boss will be hiring 2 - 3 workers (not cashiers) as we are mostly swamped nowadays. I stayed late on Tuesday as I had an earlier doctor's appointment, and as a result, Stan was there and saw how fast I got the evening crowd out the door - more efficent than the head cashier, who is also the evening person. So now, I'm on a later shift - but not closing (thank God).

With all of the kudos I keep getting, it sure would be nice to see them expressed as a RAISE.


* All is actually quieter on the western front: I hardly hear a peep out of the crazy couple upstairs, and the next door nut who uses a power drill and hammer all through the nights is gone. According to the landlord - who I ran into yesterday - the guy was arrested, and will not be coming back. I figured out the part about not coming back, as his mattress was covering my front door when I got home one afternoon this week...wtf?

* Remember the guy who went headfirst out of the second story window? Apparently, he is not dead - I saw him - I think it was the guy, as I don't recall what he looks like - coming home with two chicks one day last week.

Maybe he is now a zombie. I hope that he doesn't start up his 'business' again. Jeesh.




So this is goodbye, gall bladder!

18:07 Mar 10 2013
Times Read: 907

So...I get my gall bladder removed on the morning of the 25th...I've never had sugery before, so I'm a lil' scared...as in - I'd like to wake up afterwards, ya' know?

I know that the surgery is routine, but still...

I wonder if they can do it with me awake? I will ask.

I'm 52 years old, but there's still a lot of shit that I want to do in my life.



18:16 Mar 10 2013

Don't worry Isis. I'll just be 'a night without stars'. Then you'll wake up. (That's from a book I once read when I was younger.)

18:17 Mar 10 2013

Yea... you just count to ten... and you'll be out before you reach 5, then you'll be in the recovery room.

18:20 Mar 10 2013

You'll be around for us for a long, long time.

18:27 Mar 10 2013

Very, very common surgery. I assisted on one. Recovery time is very quick. You will feel much better when you are done and no more tummy problems.

18:44 Mar 10 2013

I guess I'm also being a bit of an agist (spelled wrong), but the doctor who'll be performing the surgery is basically a goddamn kid.

But - thank you my friends for giving me confidence!

23:07 Mar 10 2013

Had it done myself- laproscopically. Fairly routine. In one day, out the next. I had staples, but most of those just fell out on their own. Had two weeks off because the bar was closed, but didn't need them. Doc took the last two staples out and I went straight to work. Didn't even need the pain meds- tylenol was more than sufficient.

You'll be fine, sugar...lol

15:36 Mar 15 2013

I've had quite a few surgeries - unfortunately, most of them on my head *rimshot* But no really, ear drum repair and a deviated septum/enlarged turbinate reduction. It'll be a piece of cake!

I WOULD tell them though, if you have the slightest problem with nausea to give you the most/best anti-nausea drugs possible. That's always been my problem with general anesthesia.


Did that guy just demand 'cock in ass'...?

00:32 Mar 04 2013
Times Read: 938

Finally got caught up with Spartacus...what a wild bloody gory mess!

Can't wait until the next episode!



01:03 Mar 04 2013

Are you watching the first, second, or third series? BY JUPITER'S COCK!!!

I still do not know why I watched them. I did laugh a lot though.

02:21 Mar 04 2013

Miss ya girl! How's Miss Kitty?

19:31 Mar 10 2013

Miss Kitty is fine...Whiskers is the sick one...and he's doing pretty good. Thanks! (I have five cats - too many names to remember - lol)

And - I'm into the third season of Spartacus...which is no doubt the last! :(



23:51 Mar 03 2013
Times Read: 941

What a week.

Work's been busy, with the usual handful of assholes (like the old fart who refuses to put a lid on his coffee cup, yet make a spill every goddamn time)...

Whiskers health took a downturn - but not as bad as it was during the holidays. It looks like he may have to be on antibiotics and water with electrolytes for quite some time. At least he's eating again (I noticed his decline last Monday).

I've been sick as well - the stomach pains were kicking my ass last Monday - I stayed at home from work, which sucks. I need all of the money I can make, ya' know? I worked through the rest of the week okay though...and they don't call me 'Speedy' for nothing - lol.

But - I think I pushed myself too much this past Friday:

* Took Ivanna to the vet for her exam, booster shot, and dewormer...two more cats to go! (Although I think that I should take Whiskers for his booster and dewormer before I get to the other two)

*Got home, then went back out for groceries. Lugged the heavy cart up to the 2nd floor, as the day was getting hotter

* Put the groceries and other crap away, then went across the street to do laundry

* Got home, and cleaned up the place - mopping, vacuuming, etc.

Needless to say, I was very tired and sore...I still am. As a matter-of-fact, I'm still getting dizzy off and on, and I really don't care to eat.




15:40 Mar 06 2013

Can I just tell you how disorienting it is to read "the day was getting hotter." Granted, my vampire senses have already detected the subtle shift from deep winter to the long slow crawl toward spring. If summer decides to try and one-up the winter we just had, I'm in for a hell of a time!


23:37 Mar 03 2013
Times Read: 942

Dammit - I justed typed a bunch of shit and it didn't get through...grrrr!




Priest of the Month.

23:04 Mar 03 2013
Times Read: 953

March 2013

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Since Easter is at the end of the month, this one is in his fancy robes...



02:54 Mar 04 2013


19:27 Mar 10 2013

Priest of the Month.

18:04:38 - Mar 03 2013

Times Read: 69

hee hee

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